Thursday, August 14, 2014

The New Trend

Trend is a word we use to know what's new in our generation. Trend is something people talk about. In our generation, trend is used for fashion, technology, food, games, sports, it is something we follow for us not to be left out on what's new. But today, there is one trend that has never been out of the picture. Can you guess what trend is it? It is the sex video scandal trend. Today, there are so many victims of sex scandal, uploading a sex video on the internet and viewing by millions of people on the internet. This trend started last 2012 because of Hayden Kho, a famous doctor that has a various of sex videos uploaded online. Until now, there are still famous celebrities that's been a victim of uploading their scandal online without their permission. Technology can really do anything. For you not to be one of the victim of this trend, don't record anything so they will not have something to upload on the first place because technology is very vulnerable and they can ruin your name in just one click.

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