Thursday, August 14, 2014

Intrict Class

As the term ends in De Lasalle, i'm starting to like this class of mine, too bad it was almost the end of the term when I start liking the Subject. At first, I was shy to go to my Intrict Class because I was expecting that my classmates will be all freshman and that I will have no friends in that class. But when the second meeting came, I have no choice but to attend the class, but i was surprise that when I entered the room I saw some upper class men so I thought that I will not be a loner in this class. At first I admit that the class was a bit boring for me because i'm really not a computer fan. But as the term passed by, i'm starting to like the class because of the Professor. She is just cool. For the whole term, I never saw her get mad. Also, the topic lately in the class are interesting, like assembling computers, watching CSI and stuff. I'm looking forward to be a student of my prof today. I learned so many new things in the class and i'm hoping that she will be our Prof again..

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