Thursday, August 14, 2014


China is claiming that Panatag shoal and other islands near Palawan are owned by them, this tension started when China started building man-made islands and oil reefs at the area despite that the UN ordered China to stop building structures there until the tension is not yet settled. Many Filipino felt that we are being bullied by China because they know that we are nothing compared to China. Filipino hackers made a move to let China know that we are not scared of them and we will stand to what is right so they hacked the government websites of China. Filipino hackers left a note to some of the government websites of China that they will not back down on what is right. For me, what the filipino hackers did was cool because while our Government is resolving the tension by legal matters, our hackers are there to support us. The Government did not jail the hackers instead the government was also thankful to what the hackers did to China.

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