Thursday, August 14, 2014

Samsung or Apple?

Two of the famous cellphone providers today are Samsung and Apple, now it's for us customers to decide what product to choose. I use iPhone and obviously its from apple. In my opinion, I think apple is better than Samsung in terms of their operating system and for gaming. Its screen is not pixelated unlike Samsung. Also, Apple's appstore is more convinient to use. I'm a gamer, so for you guys out there, I will choose apple if your goal is to play games in your cellphone. As for Samsung, it is more user friendly than apple. It is easy to use, you don't need to study how to use Samsung unlike apple. For oldies, I prefer you use Samsung because it is not complicated to use. For the camera, I think Samsung has a better camera than apple, so if you love taking pictures, I prefer you choose Samsung.

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